When I was pregnant with my first baby back in 2011, our insurance wouldn't cover a 20 week ultrasound because they deemed it not medically necessary. The OB practice said this was pretty unheard of, and despite everything progressing normally, we desperately wanted to find out the gender of our first baby to start planning for the nursery and baby showers. We opted to go to a local 3d ultrasound business and find out what we were having! The result: I was thrilled, starting listing baby names, and buying a plethora of pink baby clothes [because that's what you do with your first!!]. My sister and a friend planned beautiful baby showers where I was gifted every beautiful pink thing I needed and I patiently awaited our little ones birth! I share my first birth story here. During this pregnancy, I was having some minor health issues, my heart rate was running high, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, so I was sent to a cardiologist and pulmonologist and had an echocardiogram done to make sure all was well. During my echocardiogram, I had the sweetest technician who performed the heart ultrasound, and then said, "let's take a quick look at baby!" She moved the ultrasound wand to my belly and asked what we were having. I gleamed, "a girl!" And she got really quiet for a moment... In hindsight, she was trying to think of the best way to break it to me... She showed me the screen, which revealed with certainty that the baby was not actually a girl! I was so surprised, and thinking about alllllllllll the returning I would have to do.... but I was also releaved to have that news broken to us outside of the delivery room so I could prepare with some boy items instead of bringing home a newborn boy in a pink layette set... We contacted the first ultrasound place, and they offered us a free ultrasound package to confirm the gender... which was in fact a boy! Ultrasounds are such a wonderful thing, but they're operated by humans and there's always a margin of error! Since then, we've take every gender announcement as a prediction and I appreciate the techs guess! Have you had an ultrasound tell the wrong gender??
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Alexandrais a writer & tired homeschooling mom of five. Categories
November 2022