Back in December, Muan sent me her due date and asked me to pray for her upcoming delivery. Hearing the losses she'd suffered broke my heart, and I began praying for a peaceful, supernatural delivery of her third baby!
She writes, "Hello Alexandra, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy on the 21st December 2021 after 6 years of marriage. I had a miscarriage in 2019 at 7 weeks of pregnancy and a still birth last year on the 16th of December 2020 in my 8th month of pregnancy. When I was grieving over the loss of my baby , the Lord gave me peace that He would bless me again. I needed an assisted delivery (vacuum assisted delivery) because the baby's face was up and at one point the baby's heartbeat started dropping. Through all of that I was completely at peace , I kept repeating Bible verses in my mind, especially Psalm 23 and 2 Timothy 1:7 . I held on to the Truth that God hasn't given me the spirit of fear. Though my delivery wasn't pain free or injury free, I still believe it was supernatural in the way the peace of God swept over me during the labour and the birth and I didnt have an iota of fear nor did I panic in any way. Our God is a wonder working, supernatural God who delights in doing good for His children. Praise God and praise God. "
James is two weeks old today, and I've wanted to write up his birth story while it’s fresh in my mind…
I went for a walk with my kids and my parents throughout the neighborhood and after, I was feeling a lot of pressure in my pelvis as I ran around the kitchen and made lunch. My parents ran to the store, and my husband was on his way home from work early, and I decided to take a bath and try to assess what was going on with my body. I was having some random contractions, but mostly pressure, and I figured that a bath might make contractions taper off if it wasn’t true labor. While I was in the bath, I started having a panic moment that I've had in every labor right around the transition phase where I have to deal with any and all fear related to actually pushing a baby out of me. I wasn’t feeling filled with faith… at all, and knew I was at that moment where the rubber met the road, and had to embrace what might come next. I had an appointment at the birth center at 3, and I had intended to go myself, but with all the pressure I was feeling, I decided to have my husband take me and to bring all of my birth supplies just in case. When we got to the appointment, I explained what had been going on and the midwife checked my cervix and was completely shocked that I was at 7 cm. They gave us the option of going out for dinner, or staying at the center, and I decided to stay and "settle in” emotionally because I knew a birth center was a bit different than my previous home births. I met the on call midwife, and she was divinely appointed to be there for our birth. We chatted a bit, and I told her about my previous births and some of my concerns and fears with this birth. She really wasn’t sure what to make of the situation and explained that she’s not used to women coming in and smiling and talking at 7cm and wasn’t sure if she’d just have to catch a baby at any random moment. I labored on a ball for a while and worked on figure eights to help get the baby in a better position. I continued to have mild contractions that got down to about 3 minutes, so I decided to get in the tub. But, as I stayed in the tub for about 20 minutes, my contractions grew further apart so I decided to get out. Then the midwife checked on baby’s position, which was still posterior, so we did some spinning babies techniques. She mentioned it was normal for contractions to slow with these, and my labor pretty much stopped. By now, it was 10 at night and I was disappointed. I had never had a labor stall out, but our wonderful midwife suggested some options. We could sleep there and see if anything else happened naturally, we could try a breast pump, or membrane strip, or go home and come back if things progressed in the night. I talked it over with my husband, and at this point, I made up my mind that I wanted to be home in the morning when my kids woke up with their new baby brother. I had to make a conscious decision to let my body go into labor, and tune off all the distractions that were keeping me from mentally entering "labor land." I opted for a membrane strip and then decided to stop all the enjoyable chit chatting and pace around the hallways by myself to get it the right mental spot. During this time, I'd have contractions, most of which I kept walking through, and they still weren't regular which made me worry labor wasn’t progressing. I went back to the birth room and decided to try to sleep, but before I could climb in the bed I heard a pop and my water broke. In all my births, this was the first "pop" experience I had and it was kind of cool. I woke up my husband and told him to get the midwife and she came with the nurse quickly. By this point, my mind was fully in "laborland" and I walked to the bathroom and they asked what I wanted to do and I just said I didn't know, which was a clear sign my mind was fully withdrawn to my body. I eventually said I wanted to get in the tub, and they started the water, and then reminded me that things could slow again, and they wouldn't be able to help with positioning as well, so I opted to go on the bed. I knew I'd be pushing momentarily, but I was surprised by how much these contractions were actually doing the pushing and moving for me. In between each, I felt like I could sleep, and told the midwife that because I was worried she might step out if she saw me sleeping, but she reaffirmed that it was simply the hormones doing their job and I was almost there. After a few of these really strong contractions, I felt the urge to push, so I did. In one push, his head and an arm emerged, and with the quickest hands on earth, our amazing midwife was able to untangle James from being double wrapped in his cord. Then, with a second quasi push, he was born! James came at 37 weeks and 6 days, but was a whopping 7lbs 14 ounces for that gestation. A further surprise was that the placenta WAS circumvallate (the first ultrasound showed it and second didn’t). Due to this, and his crazy one arm up, posterior, and tangled in cord, I was so thankful he came that day and not weeks later when he could have been well over 10 lbs. Of course, we’re all over the moon in love and so thankful he’s joined our family!! And, just like I envisioned, we got home just in time to greet my older three when they woke up with their baby brother and was greeted by my early rising 5 year old. I'm so thankful that God planned the perfect time, the perfect people to help, and provided the peace and strength I needed at each step of the way! It's been busy around my house these last few weeks and consequently very quiet on my website and social media. We welcomed James on 7/29 and have been loving all the snuggles and family bonding time! I'll be back in the fall with some new content, new fun products, and plenty of adventures to share!
Back in the '90s, Jackie Mize coined the phrase 'supernatural childbirth' in her best selling book by the same title. The concept seemed unheard of until she shared of her miraculous conceptions and pain-free deliveries, which encouraged many Christians to believe for the miraculous in their pregnancies and births. Mize's book was a gateway into helping believers expect and receive more from their pregnancies and births. I was given the book in my first pregnancy by a friend who was also expecting. She shared her faith and the miraculous birth stories of others and I was so intrigued. From the moment I found out I was expecting, I had been afraid of actually giving birth, but after reading supernatural childbirth and inspiring testimonies online, I started to actually look forward to my birth experience. (You can read that story here ) So why did I write Re:Birth and how is it different from Supernatural Childbirth? God first put this book in my heart during my second pregnancy. I had been reading scripture and studying Biblical Theology at Regent University, and I started seeing some concepts in the Bible that appeared contrary to what I had read in Supernatural Childbirth. But, I had already experienced an incredible birth so I wanted to search for truth. My journey and Scripture interpretation took me through the finished work of the Cross. For example, in Re:Birth, we address prophetic metaphors of women writhing in pain during birth- but in the New Testament, we witness the renewal and reversal of the same metaphor, how cool is that?? Another concept that was important to address in Re:Birth was the amount of woman who experienced a supernatural birth..."BUT..." I had read so many testimonies were filled with amazing, miraculous experiences turned to sorrow and dare I guilt as woman shared what God had done during their deliveries, and also how they somehow messed it up of 'stepped out of faith.' Those ideas frustrated me so much, because believe me, I've been there! I've felt the weight of disappointment after a birth, but it doesn't mean that God was any less present or any less capable! Birth looks and feels different, even with the same women, there are no two births that are exactly the same, but we want to CELEBRATE you amazing Mamas and the amazing God we serve! Don't forget to send us your stories so we can encourage others! I hope you all are having a fantastic week- Love and Hope in Christ! Alex It's been quiet around the blog for a few weeks, which is normally a sign of exciting things brewing! One portion has been the decision to launch a "birth with faith" zoom call for mom's curious or looking forward to a supernatural childbirth (see some beautiful supernatural childbirth testimonies here!) ! Inspired by Jackie Mize's book, Supernatural Childbirth, expecting mom's curious about the concept of supernatural childbirth can learn about the premise of birth being redeemed by the ultimate sacrifice of Christ on the cross. Since writing Re:Birth in 2017, I've been blessed to pray for expecting mom's who are looking for God to do more in their births, from birth without pain to quick and peaceful births, I've kept a prayer calendar of due dates to surround them in prayer as their delivery approaches! Prayer requests have increased and I've noticed groups of moms, all anticipating supernatural births with due dates close to one another, so I wanted to invite them to join in a time of fellowship, prayer, and testimonies to encourage each other! The calls will be a time of questions, encouragement, prayer and testimonies and organized based on one's due date! If you'd like to join in, please fill out the form below with your contact info and due date! You might also be interested in: While writing Birth in Blantyre, I was able to connect with so many wonderful people and hear their stories, concerns, and victories. One mom took the time to share her three birth stories with me after learning about Re:Birth and felt that God had given her miraculously short labors. I love her birth stories because they break a "birth stereotype," where women feel like labor will be long... because it's labor! That simply doesn't have to be the case. I've shared before about praying for a three hour labor with my first baby, and being 9 1/2 cm dilated after three hours! During my last birth, I only experienced 40 minutes of regular, peaceful, contractions! Martha shared: On my first birth it took me about 6 hours after signs of labour. And the other 2 just within 5 minutes of going to the hospital. "[In Malawi,] whenever we are at home we feel that we are in labour pains. We go to the maternity ward reception whereby the midwife gets our details and checks on the cervix. If they see that you are in the first level of your labour they admit you and they keep on checking you till you get to stage number 8 whereby they know that you are in the last stage of your labour. That is if you find a good midwife. Sometimes you find a midwife who is inconsiderate when she sees that you are on the early stages of your labour she can even ask you to go back home and come back when you are going to the last stage of labour. I don't know what actually happened to me. It just happened that these two kids I feel it was by God's grace. I just felt my back sore around 7am and when I went to the toilet only to see that I am in labour. I told my husband that i was not feeling alright and he said ok as.he was getting prepared I could feel that It started to be very painful By the time he finished it was around 7:30am he took me to the hospital and while I was in the car I felt that the baby was already on its way. I remembered the moment he stopped the car I was the first person to.get out of the car and I run to the maternity ward and get straight to bed. The midwife asked me to the reception I told her that I feel the baby is on its way. She immediately got her gloves and checked me only to see that the bay was coming. And she just asked me to push then the baby was born by 8am. And my last born daughters birth was also a very quick one. It was also in the morning around past 7 when my husband was getting ready to drop my boy at creche. I told him that I could feel a slight pain and he asked me if he could drop me to the hospital first I said no he can drop the boy to school. The moment he left I felt the pain was unbearable. I asked my sister to go to my neighbours house and ask if the neighbour can take me to the hospital. By then I was expecting my husband to come back from creche after an hour. The neighbour came and take me in his car. That time I couldn't sit upright because I could feel the baby was very close. When my husband came back he was told that we already left for the hospital. He just followed us to the hospital When we get to the hospital the hospital attendants run with the stretcher and let me lay there. The midwife asked me to sit upright when we got in the hospital i told her that I lt won't be possible since the baby is close Then she rushed to get the gloves to check only to see that the baby was really coming. She asked me to push again and immediately the baby was born. Thats how I experienced the labour. " I love how Martha knew her births were "by Gods grace." Her words remind me of Eve's when she remarks, "With the help of the LORD I have brought forth a man." (Gen. 4:1). God is with us at every moment during labor and delivery. He already knows the next moment- so there's no reason to fear! If you're looking for more positive birth stories of God's goodness, check out Re:Birth! Blessings, my friends!
When you are believing for a supernatural pregnancy and childbirth, it helps to fill yourself with Scripture and the encouragement of moms who have experienced God's goodness in their pregnancies and childbirths! That's one of the reasons I wrote Re:Birth back in 2017, I wanted to go through Scripture and find every record of childbirth and look at it through the redemption of the Risen King, then I paired that with miraculous testimonies from across the globe.
I've tried to keep as many of the testimonies from the book available online, in one spot, so that if you lovely mama are looking for encouragement, you know right where to look! With Re:Birth's website no longer running, this has gotten tricky! So behold, the new roundup list of Supernatural Childbirth Testimonies!
Next up, is me again! I have four kids, and three testimonies on the internet [I haven't gotten around to writing my 4th!] But, I learned so much with each birth. My first two were in hospitals and my next two were at home.
My second birth went from a supernatural birth to a natural birth very quickly when I let fear into the delivery room. After I developed a rare skin reaction called pemphigoid gestationis and the doctors told me it would be too risky to have another child. I felt like I was in the pits with Job, but God is so much better than our present circumstances, and I went on to have two more miraculous babies! (More on all this in Re:Birth). After feeling bossed around by hospital staff, I resolved to take the homebirth path and had the most incredible birth where my daughter was born peacefully in a inflatable pool with only a handful of regular contractions!
Another amazing testimony comes from Natty's Journal: You can read her supernatural childbirth experience here!
​Whew, are you feeling encouraged? I hope so! Re:Birth has many more testimonies, some from South Africa, Nigeria, and even Malawi! I hope to add more to my sight and would love to share your experience, or link to your sight if you've shared your testimony! Please don't hesitate to drop me an email or comment!
Also, it's my great pleasure to pray for you during your pregnancy and believe for a miraculous, supernatural childbirth. If you want to email me your due date or leave it in the comment section, I'll add it to my prayer calendar so you can be sure you are covered in prayer when your delivery time comes! Love and Blessings! Alexandra ​ Dear New Mom, Breathe in and breathe out. Don't worry about trying to make life perfect, that's an impossible job better left in the Hands of a Perfect God. Instead, cherish the small moments, the snuggles and the smells of your soft newborn baby. Those small moments turn to big memories you will forever carry as a your first badge of motherhood. Honor your body too. It's easy to critique your figure and the changes that may have taken place during pregnancy, but your body just participated in the miracle of life. Day by day, it will keep changing and returning to the way you remembered it. Don't forget, it took 9 months for those changes to take place and it'll take time and healthy practices to feel normal again. When 3 am rolls around and your still holding a baby, longing for sleep. Let God wrap his arms around you and cherish you just the way you're loving your baby. God loves us through our lows and highs with a love that's multiplied beyond our human understanding. He's with you when your patience is gone, he's with you when your joy explodes, and he's always willing to provide the perfect amount of comfort and advice to his children as we care for our own. The most important piece of advice I can give you is if you're ever feeling lost, lonely or unloved. Sit down in a quiet spot and don't get up until you feel God's presence. Sometimes it takes a simple prayer, asking God to let you feel his love, sometimes it takes surrendering your worries or fear, but it's a request that never comes back void and might carry you through the longest shortest years. Love, this post originally appeared at,
Dear Dad-to-be,
As soon as your wife finds out she's pregnant, her world begins to change. Each day brings something new, a new hope, fear, or feeling. Sometimes her life seems to change as rapidly as the transformation that is taking place within her. Yet, it can take first-time-dads a good nine months for the change to catch up to them. Each of your days will continue to seem the same, but keep showing your wife that you're interest in the pregnancy and fatherhood; it will provide comfort and reaffirm your love for her and the baby. You became a team when you got married; reassure her with thoughts, words, and actions that you’re still a team through this new adventure. Labor and delivery can be the most intense, exciting, amazing moment in your life, and because your wife will be doing all the heavy lifting, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Men want to fix things and make it better, and in these moments it seems there is little a Dad can do. But don’t let that make you feel powerless, that was never God’s intent. Instead, God has already entrusted you with great power and authority through Jesus. The most important role you play in delivery is praying for your wife, that’s where your gift of fixing will come in handy the most. If something isn’t how you expected, pray. If your wife is afraid, pray. The throne room of Heaven is where all these problems get fixed, and your wife might need you to do the work for her. By being rooted firmly in God, your strength and peace provide a comforting oasis for your wife to rest in. If you don’t feel much strength and peace, turn your worries over to God, each and every scenario, and leave them in His Hands. Remember, your words have great power as well. Encouraging statements go 100x farther during labor, so encourage your wife. Remind her of the amazing attributes that made you fall in love with her how those will make her the most incredible mom on the planet. Remember, the baby will be in your arms before you know it. Labor will be an unforgettable experience, and, believe it or not, your wife will absolutely treasure the memory of how you support her through it. Sincerely, Alexandra P.S. You already have what it takes to be an amazing Dad. God is the greatest Dad, and He can guide you at every turn and bend in the road; He will always be with you. The more you know God’s heart, the more you can demonstrate it to your family and the better you will lead. You may want to do it all, but that’s something only God can do. Follow after Him closely; as you walk righteously, your family will be blessed (Prov. 20:7). Updated 4/6/21 Pregnancy can be the most exciting, yet equally terrifying event in a woman's life! After reading Supernatural Childbirth, by Jackie Mize, I was inspired to believe that God had amazing plans for me AND my birth experience! Instead of pain, I expected peace. Instead of fear, I trusted God would surround and empower me. God has done amazing things throughout all of my births, and I share my supernatural childbirth testimonies here! I wrote Re:Birth to inspire other mother's to apply their faith to their births, and open the book with the following letter. I hope it encourages you! Dear Mom-to-Be,
Do not worry; you were created to be a mom! If you have not conceived yet, God has a wonderful plan. After all, it was God’s idea to have children in the beginning. He is not hiding that blessing from you. God has been present at every birth in history, and He cannot wait to be a part of yours! You might feel powerless in the midst of the changes that surround you, but do not be deceived; God has given you more power than you know. God’s dominion rests on His children, and that intimidates Satan. Satan may try to make you feel like a victim of pregnancy symptoms or fill you with a fear of birth, but do not worry. God has a better plan. It will take faith to bring what is in Heaven down to earth, but it has been done many times before and will be done again. Remember, Jesus took the punishment for sin. That means that when you belong to Him, God will never try to punish you for sins or Eve’s sin. God is not causing pain, sickness or disease; instead, He paid the highest price for our healing and redemption. Satan is causing chaos and trying to place the blame on God; it is time for that to end. Through Jesus’s sacrifice, our lives radically change and so can birth. Pregnancy was created to multiply God’s image and love, but the fall of man distorted those things. Let’s re-examine birth in the Bible through the lens of the completed sacrifice at Cavalry and search for God’s heart in it together. Your friend, Alexandra |
Alexandrais a writer & tired homeschooling mom of five. Categories
November 2022